Many church musicians and their families face sudden and unexpected hardship due to health challenges. Retired musicians may find themselves living at subsistence levels with dwindling or no savings. This fund has been set up by the Liturgical Composers Forum (LCF) as a way to offer some help to our brothers and sisters in ministry.
We are attempting to keep the process as simple as possible. Check the general points below and if you feel you are eligible, complete the form below. Someone from the Forum will be in touch with you soon. Please note: your privacy and confidentiality will be respected.
- Any professionally compensated church musician, irrespective of denomination, may apply.
- Full time, part time, stipend, volunteer or retired
- Experiencing unexpected or sudden financial need (e.g., health, transportation, housing)
***PRIVACY POLICY: Your submitted information will be kept private and will not be shared or sold to anyone. It is used only for LCF/AMH records and administrative needs. All internet data is transmitted with 256-bit encryption.***